Always an honour.

Recently, I was asked to do an oil painting of this lovely gentlemen who passed away a few years ago. It is always my goal try to capture the person as close as possible. At times it can be nerve-racking to pay close attention to all the details and qualities that make this person so unique. When a paint someone for a client it is my goal to get it to the point where I can say “hello” to them. When that moment comes, I know the painting is complete. I really hope it brings them fond memories when they walk by and look at it. Thank you Donna for giving me the chance to capture your husband in such a beautiful moment.

Levitating a Toyota Hatchback

Well, it all starts here! I decided to create a series of works that depict the levitation of objects. I shared my idea with a very good family friend, Kate. She was looking to get a painting from me and I thought what a perfect match. Weird idea for a wonderful human being. Kate wanted her Toyota Hatchback captured and I was happy to create this work for her. I’m so happy she likes it and I hope it brings back many good memories for her! This work is 12”x12” oil on canvas. Thanks for the opportunity to create such a fun piece!


Had this idea a while back to create these ridiculous 12” x 12” paintings in a series I like to call “Levitation”. Here’s a sneak peek at the first one. It will be a long series as I’m doing them in between commission works. I love the richness of cadmium yellow and how easily it can take on shades.

Honouring a former student of mine.

It has been one heck of a year. I haven’t posted anything for the entire year of 2020 and sort of glad I didn’t. I still made art, and thankful I did. One of the pieces that was both challenging and rewarding is the work shown here. This is a portrait of a former student of mine. Grew up in a small town with a very white population. Last year the BLM movement made waves throughout the world, even in little towns like Steinbach, MB. This portrait is of the woman who helped organize the first BLM march in Steinbach and I wanted to honour that moment by capturing a strong and confident person and incorporate one of the posters made for the march, into the work. I’m happy it’s completed and that it’s in very deserving hands. Taylor I am proud of what you did last summer, and I hope you never forget what you did that day. I hope WE never forget what the black community has sacrificed and endured.


Pure pigment and oil

I think we take it for granted how beautiful paint really is. We buy a tube of paint and and don’t even think about the process or what’s in it. Mixing pure pigment with oil is a tedious and wonderful experience. Mixing such raw elements to create paintings that will hopefully last longer than I. Some of the most beautiful pigments are the most dangerous!


Finally done!

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...I decided to make a painting for my boy Jonah.  It started with a couple of characters and a Death Star but suddenly it turned into an ode to Star Wars. This painting is oil on canvas, 5 x 4 feet and took way too long to finish.  Thank you to my wife Andrea for all your support and giving me time to finish this up.  Time to hang this on the wall and move on to new works of art.  May the force be with you all.


New easel is home.

Thank you to Gerald Reimer for all his help building this beautiful new easel.  It’s made out of cherry wood and treated with some crazy new German wax stuff!!! Gerald did a splendid job on this thing and I can’t thank him enough.   Also, a shout out to my good friend Mac’s mom whom I met in the store recently and she visits the website every now and then which I thought was super cool!  Cheers!  


Tribute to Gordon Downie is off to auction!


I knew this sketch belonged somewhere but not in my home.   It’s going to a new home.  Not sure who’s home yet but it will be auctioned off at Cancer Care Manitoba’s annual gold plated event.  Here’s hoping it raises some good coin for a good cause.   

 ****update**** I’m happy to announce that the sketch was sold at the Manitoba Cancer Care Gold Plate event for $700.00 !!!! I’m honoured my artwork could raise money for such a great cause.  

New Portrait

Ok, so this one was for fun.  I love grey paper sketches and the challenge of capturing the likeness of someone.  This was a colleague/friend I drew.  There is a little part of me that loves and hates how subtle lines/shapes/forms can totally change how the person looks.  Main thing is, she liked it.  That’s going in the win column.  
